Helping girls move from childhood to young adulthood in a conscious way.
Cost: $1450
Date(s): June 16th-22nd, 2025
Teacher(s): Rosie Hope
Ages: 13-18
The focus of this week is to help bridge the path of maturing girls from childhood to young adults. This class will use ceremony, nature awareness, nature skills and life skills to encourage girls to become more self-reliant and make their own way in the world as young women of honor. Throughout this week through their group activities and focused experiences, mentoring and solo, quality time in nature they will gain the skills to feel confident in their own personal power.
We are very excited to offer rite of passages to our young people. This conscious life step has been mostly lost in our culture. It has become vitally obvious that positive mentors through this stage of life is needed more than ever. It does take a village of strong, open-hearted mentors to assist in the positive growth of our youth into self-reliant and compassionate adults.
Call for 530-938-1304 for more details.