The United States of America, is a democracy that is like a living Being. It is comparable to our Earth. For a democracy to work it needs to be cared for, no different than the foundation of what we teach at Headwaters Outdoor School. We are meant to be care takers of our Earth. To make a democracy work, we the people must participate, and first and foremost that means we need to vote.
Vote nationally, vote statewide and vote local in our communities. Vote for people who will care for our Earth. Vote for saving the land and wild parks and wilderness. Vote for causes that help stop pollution and destruction of our home. We already know what is good for our Earth, and what actions are causing irreparable damage. Usually people that care for the planet are generally good people. Good people usually do good things. Vote for people who care about ALL people.
Fifty percent of our country did not vote in the 2016 election and we ended up with a nightmare for our Earth and our people. I get so angry when I talk to so many young people who didn’t vote. They either didn’t care or pay attention to their world, or made various excuses of why they thought that it doesn’t matter if they vote. They thought their vote wouldn’t make a difference in the outcome.
When I grew up I was taught that voting is sacred. It is what makes a democracy work. I was also taught as a part of the responsibility of being an American citizen we need to volunteer, speak up and Show Up! I learned that we must study and read and ask questions about our country and our leaders. Have a healthy skepticism and an open mind as well. I learned that power is in being educated.
I have voted in every election since I was eighteen and I will until my days on Earth are done. I am angry at all the people who did not vote, and then say they love nature and are a big proponent for human rights. They say they care about global warming and the damage we are doing to our Earth. Yet, these non-voters gave us this current president and administration by their lack of action and not participating, knowing full well this man was a joke. A puppet for the corrupt corporations. Those who did not vote and pay attention are enablers to this atrocity that is being done to the Earth and our people.
The easiest, most powerful, and most honorable thing they could have done to save us from this nightmare, they chose not to do. They chose not to participate in the One thing that could make a difference in the health and protection of our Earth, and the well-being of humans, nationally and globally. It is shameful, and I don’t use that word lightly. This is not a subject to dance around and sugar coat. We need to address this directly and make a change today.
I can talk about a lot of the good we humans have done, and I have recognized those deeds over and over, but that doesn’t change the actions of those who need to step up and give back more. We are not entitled to this Earth. We have been gifted this Earth to care take, not abuse.
It’s time for all people to vote this November. Or preferably earlier, to avoid the inevitable cheating to try disrupt Americans from voting. This is the beginning of how a manipulating dictatorship starts. We have the power to end that right now and make our voices heard and count, while we still can! I know this sounds like a cry out of desperation, because it is.
This election in November 2020 is a defining moment. This vote is the most important for the future of our Earth and for our liberties and personal rights. Four million Americans will turn eighteen before Election Day this year. They need to vote, and volunteer and take to the streets for their voices to be heard. As soon as the media stops covering a story these just causes fade into the background and nothing changes. We need to continue to keep all these important issues in the forefront until there is action to correct the corruption. We can take down the giants. They have more money, but we have more people power and passion for our Earth.
The scale can tip back in the right direction, but we need all of us committed and on board to fight the good fight and make this country right and held accountable. Remember, that the people in the White House are supposed to be in their positions as a public service. Serving the people and our causes to create and maintain a country that works for ALL, humans of all ethnicities and incomes, and animals, and the land.
The future of the Earth depends on all of us voting. You count. You matter. Show up and let that be known.
I know our country is not perfect. Now look in the mirror, are you? Of course not, but don’t quit on your country and don’t quit on yourself. All countries have issues, but what makes Americans different is that we don’t quit. Our country was established by rebels who chose to create a better way of life away from dictators and tyrant kings. We are a country of fighters for a right way of human life. We have been the leaders by example of how to protect the Earth, our Home. We, as a nation have lost sight of this. Those of us who are still awake have not, but we are losing the ability to fight for what is right by those who have the absolute power. Do not let this happen any longer.
In two months we have the ability to stop this madness and get on track to recreating a country that works for ALL. Our country is a work in progress. Wanting what’s good for everyone is not radical. It should be normal.
I love my country and I believe in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of Rights. Our country has been responsible for many wrongs, such as the genocide of Native Americans, and slavery, and so much more. As a country we need to admit and take responsibility for the Native American genocide and open the door for healing.
We have righted some of our wrongs. We ended slavery and gave women their inherent right to vote. We fought in World War II and helped end fascism and genocide. I could go on and on listing the wrongs and the rights our country has done.
Our country is a wonderful idea that can only work if we, the American people, participate in it. We need to consciously create it, and if we don’t participate we leave the door open for the worst of us to take over in the name of greed, corrupt power and control at the expense of our Earth and our freedom.
Let’s continue to work on fixing what is wrong and unjust. Let’s build upon the good. There is an urgency to reverse the damage we have already done to our Earth. We know what needs to be done. Let’s tell the truth and make the changes now.
Our country came up with the idea of saving land and creating the National Parks, Wilderness Areas, the Endangered Species Act, animal sanctuaries, and preserving wild and scenic rivers, and ocean parks. Only good people could do these things for our Earth and for each other. This is where I find hope. This is why I vote, and in the end believe that good will win over evil.
Our future and our planet’s future will become ever so clear on November 3rd, 2020. The path forward won’t be easy, but it is the only path. Embrace the challenge of being alive at this time in human history on our Earth. Help lead the path forward into that beautiful future that is waiting to come true.
Let’s embrace becoming Earth Caretakers. Our Earth has been waiting for us. It’s our time to do whatever it takes, no matter how hard or complicated. Never give up. Never quit. Even if you are the last one standing, be the last one standing. Be committed to being a part of the change. Let’s bring in a future of love of Earth and love of all life. When we come from love we are at our best. Vote with your heart. Vote!
-Tim Corcoran
August 2020
I always spent my half an hour to read this website’s articles or reviews everyday
along with a cup of coffee.